
So that a tattoo is successful, it is important to respect a few rules before carrying out it.

It is important to arrive at your tattoo appointment relaxed, at peace, with your mind serene.

A tiny number of people faint during a tattoo and in 99% of cases it is people who stress and fear the tattoo psychologically.

Medically speaking, two things are relatively important, both for the tattooist and the tattooed person:

From an overall aspect, regarding the pain that a tattoo can cause: it does not is only temporary and will only last while this is carried out. last.

But above all, the sensation is slowly approaching a cat scratch. Of a persistent cat, yes, but of a cat nonetheless. There is no need to worry in the days leading up to the appointment. Depending on the location chosen and the size of the pattern, the pain may vary. However, nature is well made and our body is made to fight this pain on its own: in addition to the psychological pain, the body will secrete endorphins after a quarter of an hour of realization which will allow the new tattooed person to endure much more. easily this not always pleasant sensation.

Women are by nature all the more courageous than men, contrary to what one might think!

Indeed, accustomed to the pain menstruation, destined to suffer more often (hair, contraception, wearing heels, etc.). These little cumulative pains make them more resistant. And they are often the most worried about getting a tattoo. Whereas men arrive calmly and are sometimes surprised. So on this subject, no amalgams, no clichés, the comforter will rather be the 1m90 man filled with muscles down to his toes.