
Tattoo machine in Toulouse| ||241

Nous vous fournissons également en machine à tatouer, en boutique mais aussi à la commande.
We work with the biggest brands of tattoo machines tattoo artists, with whom the greatest tattoo artists in the world work.
Coil, rotary, cordless machine and other dermographs.

Coil or rotary machine in Toulouse

Pour bien tatouer, rien de plus important qu’une bonne machine. Mais chaque tatoueur à son propre style et façon de travailler la peau. C’est pour ça que nous proposons une large gamme de machines.

To buy your tattoo machine, you can go directly to the shop or even order it. We accept cash payments up to €1000.

Dermographs in Toulouse

Toulouse machine à tatouer

Coil machine

We offer you coil machines, called “ coil”. These are the classics of tattooing, for clean and powerful lines.

Toulouse machine à tatouer

Rotary tattoo machine

We offer you new generation rotary machines. You can tattoo with beams or needles.

Toulouse machine à tatouer

Cheyenne machine

The “Cheyenne” was a small revolution in the world of tattooing.
We offer the entire range of this German brand.

Toulouse machine à tatouer

Bishop tattoo machine

We also offer Bishop brand machines for sale. Order your model directly from the shop.

Toulouse machine à tatouer

Dragonfly & Stingray

In rotary, we also have the essential Dragonfly. As well as its big sister the Stingray for clean and powerful lines.

réservé aux professionnels

Sale for professionals

We only sell to professionals in the sector. Please present a Siret number.

Our team of specialists to advise you


Sabrina makes part of our team since 2018. She is now responsible for customer relations between clients and tattoo artists. But she also participates in the selection of items in our store, so she will be able to provide you with the best information.


Isabelle has been working with us since 2019, and today she is in responsible for selecting the products that we present in our store. More specifically, she works on the clothing range, selecting and customizing textile pieces.


Élodie joined our team in 2019. She has great knowledge of product selection from our shop. And she will always be happy to share with you and advise you if you have a favorite in our store.