Matthieu started practicing the art of tattooing in 2012 in the south of France.| ||246
Très tôt, durant les années collège, il découvre le milieu du “street art”. Impressionné par les grandes fresques colorées et les collages disproportionnés, il commença petit à petit à en faire de même sur les murs ou panneaux de sa ville. S’essayant à diverses pratiques artistiques, il gravite quelques temps autour de cet univers qui le passionne tant, en s’inspirant des personnages de “Kefli” ou de “Miss Van” par exemple.
Taking a lot of enjoying scribbling on everything he finds, he directs his studies towards an artistic field. Spending a few years at a communications and graphic arts school, he ended up meeting during internships the man who would later become his apprentice in tattooing.
Training required.
After a year of hard work, observation, apprentice jobs, patience, failures and perseverance at his side, he ended up being trained with rigor and precision, according to the “old traditional practices”.
Once his training was completed, he realized the richness and diversity that the world of tattooing offered him.
So he packed his bags and left to travel to enrich himself through human, professional and artistic exchanges.
After a few years of wandering, several professional stays in Amsterdam, numerous guests in France and a bunch of conventions, he decides to settle down in the beautiful pink city!
His favorite style in tattooing is realism.
Basically, anything that can be reproduced from a photo. Whether in black and white or in color, he likes everything! He loves playing with contrasts and textures.
Also a fan of Asian culture and Japanese tattoos, he likes to draw inspiration from them in his creations. Just as he is also inspired by old artistic movements or the emerging geek culture in the 2000s.
In short, don't hesitate to present your craziest projects, your favorite films/series , or even games that marked your childhood!
Get to know the rest of the team in this video where we talk of our failed tattoos and their stories!
You can meet Matthieu in our tattoo parlor in Toulouse, at 6 rue Delpech. The best is to go directly to the store so that we can understand your project and your vision, so that they can create a design that suits you. Bring as many tattoo references and drawings as possible with you to get to the heart of your tattoo project.
Sorry Mom Tatouage is a tattoo concept store in the city of Toulouse, which combines a Tattoo Club and a concept store. Our tattoo club brings together 13 tattoo artists as well as our members and loyal customers. Our concept store is a Toulouse boutique of offbeat objects in our tattoo universe, you will find clothes, decorations, unusual ones, taxidermy.